What’s Inside this Book
Welcome to my book about how to drive your vision and motivated abilities throughout the chapters of your WorkLife story. Here is a preview of what’s inside, along with the main ideas and the meaning behind these.
WorkLife is our life at work, where we spend one-third of our lives. It is also the impact our work has on our life outside of work, and the impact our life outside of work has on our work. All areas of our life in and out of work are so intrinsically linked, they cannot be separated, nor do I believe should they. I believe WorkLife needs to be considered holistically.
Your WorkLife vision and motivated abilities drive every part of your WorkLife.
In this book I tell six stories:
1. Finding His Vision and Motivated Abilities at His Later Stage of WorkLife: James’s story of how he created a consultancy WorkLife that honoured what was important to him: remaining intellectually stimulated through his work, taking time to travel to interesting places, and giving back to society.
2. Finding Her Vision and Motivated Abilities at Her Mid-Stage of WorkLife: Olivia’s story of how she created a consultancy WorkLife that honoured what was important to her: work that was located close to her new home, allowing her time to settle into her new community, quality time with her husband embracing their love of cycling together, and time to resurrect a non-profit basketry organisation.
3. Finding His Vision and Motivated Abilities at His Earlier Stage of WorkLife: Daniel’s story of how he created a consultancy WorkLife that honoured what was important to him: a move to the countryside, establishing a small business providing garden design, and providing consultancy services to a bank two days a week.
4. How Bringing New to Old Led to Discovering Her Vision and From That Her Motivated Abilities and Drive: Elizabeth’s side-hustle to business story.
5. How Connecting His Love of Exercising and Socialising Through a Lifestyle Clothing Brand Brought Him to a New WorkLife: Sean’s side-hustle to business story.
6. How Combining Her Hard and Soft Skills Helped Drive Her Vision and Motivated Abilities when Times Got Tough: Elaine’s side-hustle to business story.
I share the exercises that helped to work through these challenging situations to resolve the dilemmas. I present these exercises as the following assignments for you to work through:
Understanding Your Values and Motivated Abilities Assignment
This assignment is to help you understand those specific WorkLife moments, events or experiences when you were fully engaged.
Develop a Practice of Continuous Self-Feedback Assignment
This assignment is to help you to continue to pay attention to specific WorkLife moments when you are fully engaged, to develop your power of observation of what was going on during those times.
Develop a Practice of Insightful and Effective Self-Questioning Assignment
This assignment is to help you realise the importance of using questions to get to what really matters for you at every stage of your WorkLife.
Pursuit of Your Vision and Motivated Abilities Assignment
This assignment is to help you to identify how you can take your knowledge and apply it in a different way by bringing something new to the old way of doing things.
Bridge the Gap Assignment
This assignment is to help you to connect your journey from conceiving to implementing ideas, and bridging the gaps you experience along the way.
Combining Your Hard and Soft Skills to Do Something Different Assignment
This assignment is to help you to explore how you can diversify from what you do in your day-to- day WorkLife, to doing something different by combining your technical and personable skills.